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Health & Wellness

Transform your concern for the health and wellbeing of Earth's inhabitants into a into a future in health.

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Health & Wellness

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Students interested in Health and Wellness programs will learn how to assess and respond to the world's health through research and practical implication.

Butler tunnel

Related Majors

Students will learn the technical and conceptual tools needed to make innovative contributions to health care through practice and study that encourage decisive problem solving, interdisciplinary experimentation and detailed analysis that can improve the assessment and treatment of challenging healthcare issues.

Sport, Commerce & Culture

The Sport, Commerce, and Culture minor provides an opportunity for students to study the structure and experience of contemporary sport industry from an interdisciplinary perspective, informed by research, theories, and methods drawn largely–but not exclusively–from anthropology, cultural studies, economics, gender studies, history, race and ethnic studies, urban studies, and sociology.

More about Sport, Commerce & Culture

Exercise Physiology

The Exercise Physiology minor provides an opportunity for students to enhance their learning in a broad range of areas, including whole-body and molecular aspects of cardiovascular physiology, metabolism, aging, health, and disease.

More about Exercise Physiology

Biomechanics and Motor Control

The Biomechanics and Motor Control minor provides an opportunity for students to enhance their learning of the study of human movement and the physical and physiological principles upon which it depends, in addition to the influence of growth and development upon human and motor performance.

More about Biomechanics and Motor Control

Global Health

The Global Health major offers rigorous scholarly and applied experiences designed to embolden future leaders to achieve the level of critical thinking, analysis, and application essential to improve worldwide social, environmental, and health outcomes. Specifically, students apply structurally competent, collaborative, multidisciplinary perspectives to the understanding, assessment, and intervention of sustainable strategies necessary to effectively address current and future global health issues within local, national, and global arenas.

More about Global Health


Pre-professional program for students interested in a career in podiatry.

More about Pre-Podiatry

Pre-Physician Assistant

Pre-professional program for students interested in being a physician assistant.

More about Pre-Physician Assistant

Pre-Physical Therapy

Pre-professional program for students interested in a career in physical therapy.

More about Pre-Physical Therapy


Pre-professional program for students interested in going to pharmacy school.

More about Pre-Pharmacy


Pre-professional program for students interested in a career in optometry.

More about Pre-Optometry

Pre-Occupational Therapy

Pre-professional program for students interested in a career in occupational therapy.

More about Pre-Occupational Therapy


Pre-professional program for students interested in going to nursing school.

More about Pre-Nursing


Pre-professional program for students interested in going to medical school.

More about Pre-Medicine

Pre-Genetic Counseling

Pre-professional program for students interested in a career in genetic counseling.

More about Pre-Genetic Counseling


Pre-professional program for students interested in going to dental school.

More about Pre-Dentistry

Pre-Dental Hygiene

Pre-professional program for students interested in being a dental hygienist.

More about Pre-Dental Hygiene

Army Leadership Studies

The Army Leadership Studies program promotes the development of undergraduate students on small group leadership. Students will walk away with an in-depth understanding of Small Unit Tactics, Land Navigation and Field Training, Operations and Logistical Planning, Team Building, and Peer-to-Peer counseling.

More about Army Leadership Studies

Individual Studies Program

Individual Studies (IVSP) students enjoy broad academic freedom and flexibility to pursue their degrees in ways that best suit their intellectual interests and passions. Under the guidance of a faculty mentor and the IVSP staff, students create their own unique, interdisciplinary majors that approach important issues, questions, and problems from a range of disciplines and perspectives. 

More about Individual Studies Program

Public Health Science

Solve public health challenges through the lens of scientific inquiry! In this interdisciplinary major students study the intersection of the life sciences and public health. By mastering skills that recognize and address today’s public health issues, students can explore a wide range of careers in healthcare facilities, government agencies, nonprofits, research, healthcare consulting and health informatics.

More about Public Health Science


Kinesiology students study the complex role of physical activity in human health and performance across the lifespan. This multidisciplinary major includes seven courses that ground students in the essential sub-disciplines of human movement while setting the stage for more advanced coursework.

More about Kinesiology

Family Science

Health happens in families! Family Science students explore social determinants that shape health and well-being for family members. The major offers excellent training in scientific methods to understand how families function as systems, and how social institutions can enhance family health. Students learn to promote health equity for all families through applied research, policy and program analyses, and internships.

More about Family Science

Public Health Practice

Make an impact on populations using the power of social justice and health equity principles! Students become engaged/effective public health practitioners providing a voice for underrepresented populations by studying health behavior, community health research, biostatistics, epidemiology, grant writing, health communication and professional development. All students become workforce ready through participation in a community-based public health internship during their final semester.

More about Public Health Practice

Fire Protection Engineering

Fire Protection Engineering provides graduates with the tools needed to safeguard lives and property from fire. Undergraduate students receive a unique education (see sidebar) that focuses on topics such as fire-related safety, suppression systems, and health and environmental issues.

More about Fire Protection Engineering


The undergraduate program in Bioengineering is founded in biology, driven by human health issues, and is forward-thinking. Our objective is to marry the principles and applications embedded in engineering with the sciences of biology, medicine, and health.

More about Bioengineering

Biocomputational Engineering

In the Biocomputational Engineering program, students will develop skills in computation and data science that can be applied to the modeling of complex biological systems and the analysis of complex biological data sets. Even more, students will have the opportunity to impact human health by applying skills in computer modeling, bioinformatics, analysis of large and complex data sets, and other important computational skills.

More about Biocomputational Engineering

Elementary/Middle Special Education

The Elementary/Middle Special Education program leads to a Bachelors of Science (B.S.) degree with eligibility for teacher certification. Teacher candidates will be prepared to teach students with support, students at-risk, students in need of intervention, and students with mild (high incidence) to severe (low incidence) disabilities, across disability categories. There are two tracks of study available to students, both tracks prepare our candidates to meet varying learner needs in diverse classrooms.

More about Elementary/Middle Special Education

Biological Sciences

Biological Sciences students learn the foundations and applications of biology across multiple levels of organization: molecules, genomes, cells, organisms, and ecosystems. Students participate in research, learn modern experimental techniques, and become active learners to address real-world challenges. Students choose between five tracks: Cell Biology and Genetics, Ecology and Evolution, Microbiology, Physiology and Neurobiology, and General Biology (integrating all areas).

More about Biological Sciences


Biochemists are concerned with the structural and energy changes that occur during physiological process such as metabolism and catabolism - in a global sense, they are concerned with how one molecule is converted into another (and the sequence of these events) in living organisms. Understanding the process can pave the way for the development of new drugs.

More about Biochemistry


The psychology major provides an introduction to the study of human behavior, including an understanding of the neurobiological, developmental, social, and evolutionary factors influencing our thought and behavior. The program emphasizes a strong foundation in quantitative and research methods. Beyond coursework, students will have opportunities to assist with and conduct research, an important advantage in any career path.

More about Psychology

Hearing & Speech Sciences

The field of Speech-Language Pathology deals with the diagnosis and remediation of speech, language, voice, swallowing, and fluency problems in children and adults. The Hearing and Speech Science major prepares students for graduate study by providing a strong foundation in the scientific fundamentals of both speech-language pathology and audiology, including causes and characteristics of disorders, prevention, assessment, and intervention.

More about Hearing & Speech Sciences

Anti-Black Racism

Anti-Black racism minors study policies and practices rooted in social institutions (i.e. education, health care, criminal justice system, housing) that reinforce prejudice and discrimination towards people of African descent. This minor will give students a deeper understanding of these policies, practices, beliefs, and behaviors as well as ways to work to ensure they can be inclusive leaders

More about Anti-Black Racism

Humanities, Health & Medicine

The interdisciplinary Humanities, Health, and Medicine minor integrates arts, humanities and the social sciences with health and medical education. Students gain skills which showcase health’s historical, cultural, ethical and spiritual dimensions. The minor fosters an exploration of medical challenges and the analysis of complex texts on the social and cultural aspects of medicine, which emphasize real-world applications, research and communication.

More about Humanities, Health & Medicine

Nutrition & Food Science

Nutrition and Food Science prepares students for careers in global food and health systems including the food industry, state and federal regulatory agencies, healthcare, food and nutrition policy, community nutrition, and dietetics. Students can choose nutritional science, food science, and dietetics, all of which focus on the core concepts of health and wellness. Career opportunities include food product development, dietitian/nutritionist, pre-health (physician, dental) and more.

More about Nutrition & Food Science

Fermentation Science

The newest major in AGNR prepares students for workforce demand in a broad array of fermentation industries that include beverages (beer, wine, distilled spirits, and kombucha), vegetable foods (kimchi, tempeh and miso), dairy foods (cheese and yogurt), and biotechnology industries (biofuels and pharmaceuticals). Graduates will be prepared for careers in breweries, wineries and distilleries, cheese shops, environmental engineering, research labs, and much more.

More about Fermentation Science
Crates of apples at the farmers market

Related Career Paths

  • Advocacy & Policy
  • Allied Health Fields
  • Athletic Training
  • Education
  • Government
  • Health Informatics & Technology
  • Hospital & Healthcare Facilities
  • Management
  • Nonprofits
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Orthotics & Prosthetics\
  • Research
  • Sales

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Computer Studies

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College of Education (EDUC)

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A James Clark School of Engineering ENGR

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Person pouring water outside, testing

School of Public Health (SPH)

The School of Public Health takes on the most pressing public health issues facing our local communities, the nation and the world. Driven by a passion to break down the barriers that keep individuals, families, communities and populations from attaining optimum health and wellness, faculty and students are committed to finding new and better ways to promote health, prevent disease and prolong active, high-quality lives.