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Maryland's EDGE

Maryland's EDGE

Experience Diversity, Growth and Excellence through Maryland’s EDGE

We’re excited to invite you to the EDGE program, on Friday, April 4, followed by an Admitted Student Open House on Saturday, April 5!

EDGE is your opportunity to shadow the experiences of current African-American, Latine and Native American University of Maryland students. Combined with attending the scheduled Admitted Student Open House the next day, you’ll get to:

  • Learn more about UMD's campus.
  • Experience a college class.
  • Connect with current students.
  • Attend a variety of information sessions.
  • Mingle with academic representatives.

Find your niche at UMD!

In order to participate, you must register for EDGE. Space is limited and available on a first come, first serve basis. We encourage students who participate in EDGE to also attend the Admitted Student Open House on Saturday, April 5.

Friday, April 4 

9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

EDGE Program Registration Link

Information for Registered Students and Families

EDGE is reserved for admitted students only. Your support of your student’s participation in the program is exceptionally important. We highly encourage families to stay for the last hour of the program to hear important information about UMD.