Banneker/Key Scholarship
Banneker/Key Scholarship
Congratulations, you did it!
View the Schedule
pdf schedule for Banneker/Key interview dayDuring your visit, you’ll have the chance to connect with incoming UMD students and faculty in your college/school, take a campus tour and learn more about your Honors College living-learning program. Check out the schedule and college events below to see what’s in store for you.
- Check-in
8:15 - 9:00 a.m. | Lobby
- Academic College Events - optional
9:00 - 11:15 a.m. | Various Locations (see Academic College Events section below)
- Welcome Luncheon
11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. | Main Ballroom
- Campus Tour - optional
1:00 - 2:00 p.m. | Student-led
- Resource Fair with the Honors College
1:00 - 3:00 p.m. | Prince Frederick Hall
- Family Lounge - Mix & Mingle
1:00 - 5:00 p.m. | Van Munching Hall
- Interviews
1:20 - 5:00 p.m. | Van Munching Hall (Each student will be assigned one, 30-minute interview time slot)
After check-in, you’ll have the opportunity to meet with representatives from your admitted college or school to learn more about academics at UMD. Please complete the form for the school or college that houses your major by February 19, 2025.
- College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | Reception
Contact: Kimberly Monahan | RSVP Form
- School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation | Reception
Contact: Kristen Stack | RSVP Form
- College of Arts & Humanities | Reception
Contact: Jessica Krenek | RSVP Form
- College of Behavioral & Social Sciences | Reception
Contact: | RSVP Form
- Robert H. Smith School of Business | Reception
Contact: Rachel DiDonna | RSVP Form
- College of Computer, Mathematical, & Natural Sciences | Reception
Contact: Eden Hurley | RSVP Form
- College of Education | Reception
Contact: Raven Wilson | RSVP Form
- A. James Clark School of Engineering | Reception
Contact: Aishah Briscoe & Erin Wessell | RSVP Form
- College of Information | Appointment Only
Contact: Thomas Raymond | RSVP Form
- Philip Merrill College of Journalism | Appointment Only
Contact: Brendan Hartlove | RSVP Form
- Letters & Sciences | Reception
Contact: Marchelle Payne-Gassaway | RSVP Form
- School of Public Health | Reception
Contact: Caitlin Minch | RSVP Form
- School of Public Policy | Reception
Contact: Beatrice Debelen | RSVP Form
We have reserved parking for Banneker/Key guests. Please park here unless otherwise directed by a uniformed university official. Parking elsewhere on campus may result in a fine.
February 27: Stadium Drive Garage
March 3 & March 5: Union Lane Garage
The following hotels are located near campus. Please contact the hotel directly for information, rates, availability and reservations.
All guests of the Visitor Center can receive a special rate for accommodations.
7777 Baltimore Avenue, College Park, MD
All Office of Undergraduate Admissions guests can receive a special rate for accommodations.
3501 University Boulevard East, Hyattsville, MD